Monthly Archives: August 2024

Guardians of the Faith: Protecting LDS Children from LGBTQ+ Indoctrination

Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Latter-day Saint Perspective From a Latter-day Saint perspective, addressing the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity with our children requires a delicate balance of love, understanding, and adherence to gospel principles. As members of the Church, we believe in treating all individuals with kindness and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, …

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Faith Meets Fact: Jesus Walked – LDS Perspectives on the Historical Reality of Jesus

The Historical Jesus The overwhelming consensus among scholars, both religious and secular, is that Jesus was indeed a real historical figure who lived in early first-century Israel and founded Christianity. It’s frankly astounding that in the face of such strong evidence, there are still those who stubbornly cling to the notion that Jesus was merely a literary creation or myth. …

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Compact Timeline of the Life of Joseph Smith w/ infographic

Here is a compact version of the timeline and life of Joseph Smith. With accompanying infographic. For a greatly detailed breakdown of this chart, please visit: Our post here, where we dissect each entry. 1805 Entered mortality in Sharon, Vermont. 1816–1817 Relocated with family to western New York. 1820 Experienced divine visitation in sacred grove. 1823 Received heavenly visitation from angel Moroni. 1827 Wedded Emma …

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The Amazing life and Timeline of Joseph Smith – w/ infographics

Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led a life marked by profound spiritual experiences, rapid organizational growth, and intense persecution. From 1835 to 1844, Smith’s prophetic career reached its apex, encompassing a period of remarkable achievements and devastating setbacks. This timeline traces the final decade of Smith’s life, highlighting key events that shaped …

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Full-Time Missionaries: Numbers Tell the Story w/ infographic

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has long emphasized the importance of missionary work, considering it a fundamental aspect of its global outreach and spiritual growth. As of December 31, 2023, the Church reported 67,871 full-time missionaries serving worldwide, marking a significant 9% increase from the previous year. This article delves into the historical trends, recent developments, and …

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Love, Understanding, and Doctrine: The LDS Church’s Stance on Same-Sex Attraction w/ video

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints extends love and support to its brothers and sisters who identify as LGBT or experience same-sex attraction.Watch a brief video or continue reading below 👇. The Church affirms that each individual is a beloved child of Heavenly Parents, created in Their image, with infinite worth and potential. One’s identity or experiences do …

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Captain Moroni Blueprint: Building Character in Young Men – Study Guide

In today’s world, young men desperately need strong, virtuous role models to guide them. The challenges facing modern youth are numerous and complex, ranging from societal pressures to moral ambiguity. In this landscape, Captain Moroni stands out as one of the most exceptional examples of manhood in religious history. Captain Moroni’s story resonates powerfully in our current era. His unwavering …

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LDS Church and Abortion: A Comprehensive Update and Overview

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ stance on abortion is rooted in the commandment found in Doctrine and Covenants 59:6, which states, “Thou shalt not … kill, nor do anything like unto it.” This scripture forms the basis for the Church’s general opposition to elective abortion. The LDS Church firmly opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience. Members are explicitly instructed …

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The Hidden Costs of P*rn*graphy: More Than Just Your Soul – A Christian Perspective

In our increasingly digital world, P*rnagraphy has become more accessible than ever before. With just a few taps on a smartphone or clicks on a computer, anyone with an internet connection can access a vast array of explicit content. This unprecedented ease of access has led to what many consider a silent epidemic, affecting individuals, families, and communities worldwide. The …

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Treating Latter-day Saint Missionaries with Respect: A Call for Compassion in Our Communities

In our increasingly diverse and interconnected world, the importance of fostering understanding and respect for all individuals cannot be overstated. This principle extends to those who dedicate their time to sharing their faith, including Latter-day Saint missionaries. This post explores the significance of treating these young individuals with kindness and respect, regardless of our personal beliefs, and examines the positive …

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