Monthly Archives: September 2024

The Power of Unity: 7 Reasons Why Every Priesthood Holder Needs a Strong Quorum

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we understand the sacred nature of the priesthood and its role in our lives. One of the greatest blessings that comes with holding the priesthood is the opportunity to be part of a quorum. Today, I’d like to share why every priesthood holder, regardless of his situation, benefits from …

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The Diesel and The Saint: Shaq’s Unlikely Friendship with Mormon Teammate “Purest Guy” Mark Madsen

Shaquille O’Neal Praises Latter-day Saint NBA Player: “He Was the Purest Guy I’ve Ever Met” NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal recently made headlines with his heartfelt praise for a former teammate, highlighting the player’s character and faith. The athlete in question is Mark Madsen, a Latter-day Saint (Mormon) who played alongside Shaq on the Los Angeles Lakers from 2000 to 2003. …

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BYU Controversy: Are Liberal Professors Undermining Church Doctrine?

BYU becoming too liberal? Are some professors actually teaching ideas that contradict gospel principles? There have been some concerning incidents at BYU where faculty members have been dismissed or had their contracts not renewed, allegedly due to their views or advocacy around LGBTQ+ issues that were seen as conflicting with church teachings. This has been a cause for concern. For …

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30 Pieces of Silver: The True Cost of Amazon’s LOTR Show from Christian POV

A Billion Dollars Wasted: Hollywood’s Misplaced Priorities and the True Cost to Society.As a Christian, I am deeply troubled by Amazon’s billion-dollar expenditure on their “Lord of the Rings” television series. This extravagant spending is not just excessive – it’s morally reprehensible in a world plagued by poverty, hunger, and suffering.To put this into perspective, the average cost of a …

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