Acts of LDS Warmth

We’re excited to introduce the Acts of Warmth and Kindness Database, a new initiative to track and celebrate the positive actions of LDS members. It is silly and just for fun. We have personally curated and collected these testimonies from across social media. In the future we will set things up for users to submit them. This database will include a description of each kind act, the date it was submitted, and the ward/stake and name of the submitter. By highlighting these acts, we aim to inspire others, strengthen our community, and celebrate the spirit of kindness that defines our LDS family. Remember, each small act of kindness reflects Christ’s love and helps build a brighter, more compassionate world. Submit your entries today and join us in this uplifting endeavor!

Act of WarmthNameLocation / Ward / StakeSubmitted By
Pete, an electrician by trade, takes his temple covenants so seriously. He considers the knowledge he has been given a gift from God. He uses his time, talents and helps for free, as an act of service, any and all widows, ward members, the poor, needy and especially elderly who need electrical work done. He is constantly led to people who are truly in need and cannot possibly afford to pay for the work done. Our whole family has been blessed by his service, not to mention the hundreds of people he serves gladly and tirelessly. Pete, is such a great example of Christlike love and always a missionary!PeteLeAnn Carreola
A few weeks back when our finished basement flooded our ward family showed up to help. Someone brought dinner to us that night as well. Blessed with a great ward family.šŸ™šŸ’›Ward FamilyElkhart IN Elkhart First Ward. Tamarene Boswell
Ruthanne, is a sweet, selfless sister who has helped many, many people, inside and outside the church. She is devoted to doing her ministering every month, and has just recently been called as our RS President!! She truly emulates our Savior in every way possible.RuthanneMichelle Jones
Linda in the Pocatello 26th ward is ALWAYS doing things for others. When she found out that my husband has to go each day for IVT, she brought dinner Twice!LindaPocatello 26th wardCindy Luker
When my husband suffered a traumatic head injury a company named "Rakers" HVAC came into our almost completed home and provided and installed all the registers and made sure everything was working. I never received an invoice. With the volunteers, through the church and family, this mother and her three children will never forget, and will forever be grateful šŸ™šŸ».Volunteers through the churchIlene Mackelprang
Bryant, Andy bring fire wood for my wood stove that keeps me from freezing in the winter. YM cut and stack firewood.
Bryant - comes help me when anything breaks.
Bryant, AndyDixie McCorvey
Our Christmas of miracles
I was attending Colorado springs 10th Ward. I was a single mother of four children struggling to make ends meet.
December came around and my child support check got lost in the mail.
I sobbed driving past the tree lots. Praying to heavenly father; I told him I knew it wasn't about the tree and the presents but I couldn't even pay $5 for a permit and cut a tree on Forest service land. I couldn't buy a single gift for my children.
One day I returned home from work and my living room was full of Christmas stuff. A tree, ornaments, lights, stockings, tree skirt, gifts for everyone and a basket of food for Christmas dinner. A couple had moved into the ward a few months before; he worked for hobby lobby. Every year they surprised a family in need with all the trimmings for Christmas.
A few days later my Bishop stopped by and handed me an envelope and told me it was from someone in the ward. The envelope contained $200. Suddenly I was able to go shopping for my children.
A few days later Bishop's counselor dropped by and handed me a gift bag and told me this was a gift from his wife Susan. I tucked it under the tree. Excited that there would be a surprise gift for me. On Christmas morning I was surprised to see a new set of scriptures which I desperately needed.
My sister who was single, spent Christmas with us. She and I went shopping. She spent hundreds of dollars on my children and I.
On Christmas morning there were so many gifts under the tree. It was amazing. There was one surprise, an envelope which contained enough money for me to buy a new tote for my scriptures. To this day I don't know where it came from.
Heavenly Father sent earthly angels to answer my prayers.
Bishop, anonymous Colorado springs 10th WardJanice Parr Doughman
My daughter (Voni) is so good with her niece and nephew. Sheā€™s kind, and very sweet and gentle with them. She would bathe them, prepare food and feed them, take them to water splash, swimming, talk, play, and just really love them.
My sister (Ailini), is a very kind and loving person. She ministers to family members, neighbors, co-workers, and anyone she can render services. She even remembers to ministers to those on the other side of the veil by making time to attend the temple 7:00am-11:00am every Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She loves to serve everyone as you can see.
Voni, AilinKaufoou Taukiuvea
Carl he always looks out for a neighbor who lives by himself and has no idea about computers or any electrical issues and he is right there ready to help him. Knowing this person donā€™t have a printer he always see if he need something copied.Carl15h ward in Logan Utah.Sharyle Pulsipher Golden Cordingley
Israel and Janeene came over and helped us unload when we moved intoo our new home in Magna, UT 2 months ago.Israel and Janeene Debbie Kathleen Cordova
I have a friend Her name is Ann. Sheā€™s just amazing, whether itā€™s clean someoneā€™s home, buy them food, running , whatever they need. The list goes on and on. And she dying.Will not take a penny!!!AnnHelen Breckenridge
I am disabled by arthritis and our two sister missionaries came over and vacuumed and dusted for me. They are loving and kind and make me feel valued.Missionaries Kenosha 1st Ward - Wisconsin.Kris Opatz
Tiffani has been a blessing to me this last month. She took my family in after a hurricane because we were without electricity and she had hers restored first. She cared for our 5 children and others in need for a week before power was restored. Then the next week, our family was in a roll over crash and she prayed with me and traveled with me to care for the wrecked car and traveled with me in the blinding rain helping me to restore my confidence in my driving skills again. True friendship is unselfish and never ends.Tiffani ParkwayKathryn Rogers
One time as a young mother I was so sick that I couldnā€™t get off the couch. I had two toddlers 17 months apart. They went and got eggs and took them down stairs and broke them on my coffeee table and they went through the cracks. They got into jam, jumped on their sisters bed and tore down her canopy and spilled bubbles in the carpet. I was so sick I couldnā€™t get off the couch to stop them. I said a prayer and asked for help. Soon I heard a knock at the door and it was my neighbor/friend Gail. She told me I donā€™t know why I stopped. I just pulled into your driveway. When she learned I was sick. She cleaned up all the messes and put the two toddlers in the tub and gave them a bath. I will never forget her kind acts of service for me.GailLarissa Dagley
I have a little granddaughter who is three years old. She has always been extremely mature for her young age. She has a big brother who is 5 who has autism. She watches over and protects him like a hawk. She is so good to him. She takes his hand and holds it when they are walking. At the parade she puts something in her bucket and makes sure he gets something in his bucket as well. He burned the bottom of his foot. She comes over and holds the cold thing on his foot to help him out. She is truly a little angel sent from Heaven to look out after her big brother. She is protective of him and has told others to leave her brudder alone.Little SisterLarissa Dagley
The leaves waited until it was cold to fall. The doorbell rang and 6 men with rakes in hand filled 13 black garbage bags, put them on the street and waved goodbye. Iā€™m 82 with a very Iā€™ll husband. Good men!Colleen P Thorstenson
After having my first baby, my friend came over and helped me make my bed. Tough after a c-section but she knew I like an orderly home. šŸ« Church FriendsLaurie Sullivan
Itā€™s been said that today many people are leaving the Church, but these same people donā€™t leave the church alone.
I see members constantly doing kind deeds for family, neighbors and community. Members are service oriented and understand the importance of looking for opportunities to do good.
Random MembersConnie Williams Archibald
Several years ago, I had a very difficult pregnancy. Many people stepped in to help. My parents and my husbandā€™s parents took turns watching my children, and cleaning our home. My mother in law had severe arthritis and could not lift my pre-schoolers but came twice a week. My parents were also taking care of my grand father and an uncle who were disabled. In addition, the young women in my ward watched my children after school until my husband could get home from work. A neighbor transported my school aged children to and from school. Another did our grocery shopping. After the baby was born at 25 weeks gestation a third neighbor watched our children for two hours each day so that I could visit my baby in the NICU. All of this service was given freely. None of the neighbors or young women would accept pay for their help. My husband was given support at work to deal with his anxiety and given time to deal with my many hospital visits. One doctor sat in a rocking chair for a couple of hours in the middle of the night to tend to my needs. And it would not be fair to forget the priesthood blessings and the Lordā€™s patience with my anxiety and doubts. Hidden hollow ward Layton Utah. It should also be noted that the year was a difficult year for the ward as well. We had 17 pregnancy that year. 8 women were on bed rest for various problems. Two of us had pre-term babies. Two more were born pre-term in the stake. Additionally, we had two full term babies born with significant health issues that did not survive. It was a crazy year of relief society and young women service.Church MembersHidden hollow ward Layton UtahAnna Davis
One of mine would be our primary. We are a small branch and only have 4 primary kids. Sandy, Jesse and Susette have taught them to honor and take care of the sisters. We got hearts for Valentineā€™s Day, chocolates for Motherā€™s Day and for me I got a cupcake and they sang happy birthday to me on my birthday. These leaders are teaching the children to love and respect every Relief Society sister. As for the sisters we love it!Sandy, Jesse and SusetteLinda Taylor Orr
I've been going through a rough patch for the past 5 months me n my kids had no place to stay and I had no idea where our next meal would come from. But with the help of my Bishop Mr Maleka and my Relive society president Mrs RankušŸ˜„through the church, Im proud to say they showed us kindness and love. We were able to rent a house which is paid for by the church we can have a decent meal and we stay together as a family.
I m really grateful for everything and I thank Havenly Father that I'm a member of the community that cares and love each other. My church is in South Africa North West Rustenburg Ward Roodepoort Stake. My Bishop is Mr Maleka.
I'm a proud LDS šŸ™
Bishop Mr Maleka, Relief society President, Mrs RankuSouth Africa North West Rustenburg Ward Roodepoort Stake.Mildred Sechele
Wendy My mom was dying I came home with 2 of my kids to take care of her . My friend Wendy just found out her cancer came back . She was fighting for her life and had 2 small children of her own . Called me to see if I needed anything .WendyLisa Wheeler
Tracie and Charlene brought my family and enough to feed my extended family dinner when my brother died.Tracie and CharleneRebecca Crossman Rounkles
Have no idea who did it, someone ordered me temple garments!!Anonymous Jennifer Weigel
How many is the question..? To many to even count.. And not even for just me individually but my Grown children.. My grandchildren..My siblings and my mom... Each of us in our own homes with different trials and tribulations.. But not just in one ward or state but two..
Ellen & Bob whom baptized me..Lynette..Susan...Pat.. Vaughn.. Randy & Carol..
Jessica & family...Jne...Hunter... Judy...Kari & Jordan.. Bishop & Katelyn..Amber.. Merrily..
This is just to name a few... But the Lord saved my life through these individuals.. That in itself is incredible.. Makes a statement just how much one soul means to Our Heavenly Father...
And just an FYI my family are not even active members... That's just how the members that I have had a privilege of meeting are built... In the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Ellen & Bob, Lynette, Susan, Pat, Vaughn, Randy & Carol, Jessica & family, June, Hunter, Judy, Kari & Jordan, Bishop & Katelyn, Amber, MerrilyStevie Marie
My 81 year old mom fell and was rushed to hospital, 12 hours later my husband who is in heart failure collapsed and hit his head and was rushed to hospitalā€¦ A few days before I had cortisone injected into my hip and was supposed to be on total bed rest.
Mom suffered 2 fractures on her spine and husband PPPD.
My son flew from Durban to drive me around and support me. My youngest daughter came to do shifts at the hospital, seeing both granny and dad had visitors.
Sisters made us meals and visited. Brethren visited and made sure everything was taken care of.
This is just one of the many situations where members have blessed our family. I canā€™t express enough how the acts of kindness and love have helped me.
Family and Brethren Midrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaJeanette Alice Konigkramer Lawson
Almost 28 years ago I was married and had just had a baby. We barely had enough money to pay rent. I was so worried about how we were going to get diapers and other things for the baby. One day someone left a big package of diapers and wipes and included a$100 bill. That was a HUGE blessing for us. This is just one of many stories of blessings from others in the church. šŸ’—Anonymous Claudine Furniss
I have a member that often offers to take my child to youth activities for me. It is so nice not to rush through dinner and it motivates my child to go.Church MemberDelight-Smith Paet
When l was Relief Society secretary there was a very poor family in our ward (1975-76) another member had a freezer full of elk meat and told our bishop if he knew of someone in need, immediately the bishop thought of the poor family. bishop assigned the Relief Society president to get the meat and take it to the poor family in need The Relief Society President asked me to help her deliver the meat, she told me that l wasnā€™t to tell who the donor was, they wanted to be anonymous.
The poor family was so overcome with thankfulness and yes they asked who generously gave them the meat, we answered saying ā€œjust a good person who wanted to help one of Heavenly Fatherā€™s familiesā€.
Anonymous Nancy Bowns
A ministering sister (Candace & her husband, Al) knew someone who was no longer in need of an electric recliner & I really needed a newer chair as mine was broken down. Members of the Elders Quorum brought the chair to my house & took away the old one. Such a blessing to me!Candace & her husband, AlCarol Taylor
2023 ended with the painful notification that our daughter was in a terrible snowmobile accident. After being life flighted twice, she received her first surgery at Intermountain Hospital in Murray/SLC Utah. One evening we reached out to the Intermountain Branch for a priesthood blessing for our daughter as she faced this new battle consisting of tests, surgeries and healing. Bob came into our daughter's room after 10pm. He and those who wanted to participate provided a beautiful blessing for our daughter. This was not the last time we saw him. He came back often to check in on her. His smile and compassion brought peace and comfort during this difficult and painful situation. There were many who impacted our lives with acts of kindness and compassion. My husband and I are grateful for the Intermountain Hospital Branch as well as for all those who have positively impacted our family's lives. Thank you!BobIntermountain BranchDiana Bedgisoff
After the fire in Lahaina last year, my daughter, Jennifer, collected supplies to be sent to those who had lost everything. So many caring people contributed that she had to rent a U-Haul truck to get all of the donations to the airport for the flight to Maui.JenniferSharlene Wells
On a recent 100Ā°+ day, a member family's AC went out. Some members heard about it and brought them some fans to help circulate and cool the internal air till they could fix/ replace their ACChurch MemberMarie Holfeltz
We LDS at South Africa Johannesburg are forever giving to the homeless. Packets of food, knitted blankets, beanies scarves & bed socks, clothing. Many stand on corners. Open your hearts to people around you. You need not look far. Keep doing charity work, compassion is such a rewarding gift from God.Church MembersSouth Africa JohannesburgLynette Hazel Sutherland
an example of truly being in sync with heavenly Father our Bishop D.Z., came to visit during a very difficult time. As we sat at the table I looked up and saw Jesus Christ sitting in his place . Talk about magnifying your calling! He truly is a gentle, caring soul, someone you cannot help but respect, trust, believe, and love. He is always quietly there for all of us and we love himBishop D.Z.3rd Ward Fairfield, CACarmen Aguilar-Donaire
I had to have foot surgery and the day after it my husband had to go out of town for work. Without even asking a few of the RS sisters of the Westwing Ward made a schedule for bringing me lunch/dinner each day until my husband returned. I would have never asked for this service and probably would have told them it wasnā€™t necessary, but it was so needed and appreciated as I had no concept of how disabling the surgery would be to my independence.RS sistersWestwing Ward Tish Mineer
A women who had a stroke, a young new father, a entire family of young children, man with a bad back, all came to help a 81 year , overwhelmed woman move. So grateful in floridaFloridaShirley Mccrosky
Barbara welcomed me to the new ward text once in awhile letā€™s me know about things to do in the communityBarbara J Tobin
I had 3 men show up one day right after I moved. They spent their Sat. Building a wheelchaid ramp for me to get in and out of mynew place. I felt the love from my church family that day.Church MembersEricka Moysey
A kind member (Steve) of our Owingsville KY Ward took an entire day off to take me into the hospital for some scheduled surgery. That was one of the kindest things anyone has ever done.SteveOwingsville KY WardHal D. Jackson
church people came together to help a family remove tree debris after a big storm. They were not members but we didn't care; they needed help. The husband was so touched that he wrote a letter to the Bishop thanking everyoneChurch MembersNorthern UtahWendi Rigby Shurtleff
Alma helped me with a flat tire
Al brought me a cord of wood
The youth brought a box of food (after my husband left)
Someone anonymously gave me some money last Christmas
The missionaries helped clean up the leaves in my yard
Hugs, smiles and kind words
I have a great ward in Washington state
Alma, Al, Youth, Anonymous Washington stateAmy Gold Lowery
And also hereā€™s a good story that I can share, we have a brother named Andy S. Black, his light of Christ had led me to the church to be baptized back 4 years ago during the pandemic.
I met him at a program I used to go to and I was curious why does he wear this fancy clothing, all buttoned up and tied up all the time walking like a business man. I have a wholesome idea about people so I asked him about why he looked like heā€™s running a business? His first answer was so candid and simple that he just replied ā€œbecause I have a business!ā€ I had said a short reply and left him alone thinking to myself ā€œI wonder what type of business he has and why he always looks so happy about it?ā€.
So the week after that I had met him again, so then I asked him ā€œwhat is this business yours?ā€ Without expecting much about his answer he said ā€œmy business? Itā€™s church!ā€.
So then I replied ā€œso that book you keep holding and walking around is not a ledger!?ā€. He said ā€œno itā€™s a Book of Mormon.ā€ And I was like ā€œbook of what?ā€.
Then we talked, and I was happy to know that heā€™s a devout follower of Jesus Christ, but I still didnā€™t know the church that he goes to and I asked him if I could go visit with him one day. So he invited me to go on a the nearest Sunday we were both available.
There as I met the members I was amazed because people from his church were so down to earth and loving people, they even wanted to know my name and share theirs! Almost everybody shook my hand and gave me a warm welcome, the others were busy but that was good for me! I was overwhelmed and got anxious so I left early.
The next time I met him he asked me if I would like to meet the missionaries, and I was like ā€œThereā€™s missionaries!?ā€ I knew Jesus Christ had built something out of nowhere that I was oblivious about!
So the missionaries were all awesome and are still awesome to this day! I still remember their names! Then they taught me and then I got baptized! Yay!
Andy S. Black,Alberto Velasco
A sister missionary, sister Zoe Weaver gave me a lollipop in Relief Society once when I was having a hard day. It was a small act but a big glimmer of light.Zoe WeaverAshlyn Crane
Bishop in my ward opens the door every Sunday for the members and wishes us a Happy and Blessed Sabbath. Great way to start a day/ week.Pam Gubler
Elders Quorum in my ward (Iā€™m in South Island New Zealand) just gave me and my mum a load of firewood, went out and split it and then stacked it for us! ā¤ļøElders QuorumMadison Pouwhare
Thank so much to sister Peaua,sister Selpa sister Ulugon and all Mangatarem missionaries for enlithening me, God bless you allSisterS Peaua, Selpa and UlugonMangataremJuancho Libres
Our bishop and wife hosted snow cone nights in their front yard each Sunday through the summer. Way fun!Local BishopRobin Hughes Reeder
My husband and I went out to eat oe .might last week And we went across the streehadt to get some Krispy Kreme donuts and they had a special where if you bought a dozen you got a dozen free so we took the extra box to a family in our ward they loved it but they were surprised that we did it 'We were just doing a kind deedBretandMelanie Hirschi
lost my husband almost 2 yrs ago. My bath was in need of repairs. A few men showed up to do the work. My bathroom was completely redo. So thankfully I wanted to thank the person or persons that paid for this. My Bishop just said " there are people in the ward that love you. There are many more stories of love from my ward.Anonymous membersGrand Prairie 1st ward,TexasDonna Golemon Green
Over Memorial Day weekend, Northwest Arkansas was hit with 7 tornados, all from 1 thunderstorm. The stakes in the area, including mine, cancelled services that day and the members spent the day and the following day helping with the clean up. We even had other stakes from outside of the affected area come to help.. Just neighbors helping neighbors they haven't met yet. It was a beautiful thing and I'm glad I had the opportunity to be part of it. I was impressed with how quickly the respective Relief Societies organized clean up events, that my friends is the power of social media. Relief SocietiesMary Barrett
I have one more that was a Christmas miracle. Many years ago when my children were small and still at home, we were trying our best to get by on my little substitute teacher pay while my husband was going to college for a career change.
Christmas was approaching and I was concerned about my children not having any gifts to open. I prepared them by explaining the situation to them, so if they only received one small gift they would understand.
One night there was a knock at the door. In walked the Bishopbric and their arms were full of presents. It brought me to tears. Then a few days later more presents came for the kids from my parents who live across the country, then more presents from my inlaws.
The joy on my children's faces that Christmas was priceless.
BishopbricMary Barrett
A friend called yesterday because her daughter and 3 granddaughters were having car trouble on the road home. They were stranded not far from my family. I called Don, and knew they would be safe, helped, and comforted. He immediately gathered tools, drove to get them, and took them to his home.
I had no doubt that Don and his family would know how to help and gladly do what he could.
DonCarol Grimes Stoddard
When my husband and I had our first baby he passed away a young couple in our ward in Montana named Cleat and Maggie literally dragged us out of our house everyday for the first couple month to do something even when we just wanted to sit at home in the dark. They took us for ice cream, walks, and anything they could think of. At that time it drove me crazy but they saved us from our deep grief. They blessed us to see the good in the world and to remember the plan of salvation. Twenty four years later I still think back to those dark days and fondly remember the light they brought to our lives.Cleat and MaggieMontannaBrenda Piippo
Last winter during our 20th anniversary, my husband was assigned to job sites out of town while I was left alone. Neither of us were happy about the timing, but work is a blessing. I try to stay busy by serving others as part of my regular activities but I was very lonely without my sweetheart. One night I heard a knock at the door. I thought it might be the Sister missionaries, but it was the Centreville Virginia 2nd Ward combined youth group and they sang Christmas carols to me. They didn't know Christmas carols are my favorite, but Somebody knew and someone else was tuned in and it made a big difference. šŸ’šā¤ļøcombined youth groupCentreville Virginia 2nd WardElisabeth Gawthrop
We had a French speaking visitor at Church service yesterday. The only member I knew of that spoke French is an older member with dementia. He sat by the visitor to help explain and enlighten him. It was wonderful to see this brother, with clarity of mind, help this man learn of Christ, radiate Christs love and help another feel a part of the congregation.Church MemberE Mark Lunt
As we are encouraged to do family history I have been limited due to my limited computed knowledge. A dear brother spent an hour with me and made the whole process clear as day. I have had ancestors names fall onto my computer page so I can take my family names to the temple and help in the gatheringChurch MemberShirley Bartschi
her name is Connie. Her health is worse than mine. She brought me spaghetti sauce gluten free pasta and gluten free snickerdoodle cookies. She brought it all to my work. She said the Spirit knew I needed a gluten free meal so she brought all that for me.Sheā€™s a blessing to me. I have grown to love her!ConnieSan Angelo, TX, 2nd wardChris Graham Robertson
It snowed all night and I knew I had to shovel the snow so that I could go to Church. I got dressed and went outside and someone had totally shoveled for me. I cried and thanked Heavenly Father for sending me a snow angel. I had a good idea who did it and when I got to Church and saw Adam my eyes filled with tears as I thanked him. I am truly blessed to live in this wonderful ward!AdamCedar City, UtahJoyce Cummings Butler
I teach Youth Sunday School. This year on my birthday, about 12 of the kids, 13-17 years old, surprised me. They all stood out on the driveway with a big Happy Birthday banner and sang to me. They also made me a special cupcake and gave me a bottle of Dr. Pepper,my favorite drink. A birthday surprise that melted my heart ā¤ļø and a birthday that Iā€™ll never forget! Oh, how I love teenagers!!Sunday School KidsJoyce Cummings Butler
helped me to see differently in my stuffing for over 40 years. To remember to pray for His help, after our sacrament meeting I was crying because I suffer 24/7 from pain. After almost 40 years of being in the church, I know Father hears me and knows me personally, I testified that the gospel is true and my Savior is mindful of me and I know we have A LIVING PROPHET and Apostles to guide us in these hard times. I sometime FORGET that the answer to enduring, is as simple as prayer, for WHATEVER IT IS !
I have a firm TESTIMONY That GOD is beside me as He was with His Only Begotten Son, while he suffered for us. She bore her testimony that Heavenly Father answers prayer. She sat by me and just gave me support comfort. Thank you Sttephenie
Sister Stephanie McKinley ward Salt Lake CityDonita Smith
Scott was a Ward Bishop in Manti ut who helped a family out for Christmas gifts when the family was really poor and out of hope and faith Scott Manti utLance Shipley
branch president Karsten and Bob helped a member out with winter clothing in Alva branch president Karsten and BobAlva Oklahoma branchLance Shipley
We were supposed to go to dinner with our spouseā€™s but I didnā€™t feel well so she took me to the emergency room instead. Turned out all was well. Will plan dinner and other time. I love this lady she always seems to know when I need herChris AndersonDaryl Reeves
In 2004 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer.
I was newly divorced and had two young boys.
My entire ward fasted and prayed for me and we ended the fast with a special service during the week.
The love and strength they gave me was amazing and Iā€™ve been cancer free since 2005.
entire ward Cathy Pizzuto Potter
I use a wheelchair. Last winter Chris, my ministering brother, swept the snow off my van every Sunday morning so I could go to church.ChrisBecca Wissbaum
Mark plowed garden plot for us.
Mike pulled car out of a rut.
Donna watched kids so an emergency vet appointment could be made and kept.
Monica brought over treats for the kids.
Beth pulled truck, tractor and trailer out of a sloped area.
Karen provided several bags of fresh green beans to eat or can.
Rianne provided transportation to various doctor appointments.
Larry provides transportation to the temple for a person without drivers license.
Anna provided fresh raspberries and rhubarb.
Rianne provided a meal on short notice for seventeen people.
Natasha, Mark G, Mark, Michael, Joseph, Janice, Bruce, Bill helped unload a large U-Haul.
Margie met and unlocked church building so we could get child's coat that was left behind.
Mark, Mike, Donna, Monica, Beth, Karen, Rianne, Larry, Anna, Natasha, Mark G, Michael, Joseph, Janice, Bruce, Bill, MargieSullivan WardMikal Kelly Willis Fulp
When my dad was not in the picture anymore as a teenager, home teachers gave me and my siblings priesthood blessings with the start of each school year, they and other ward members donated to our Christmasā€™s for years. We would often hear the door bell ring and ward members left food or money on our doorstep to help my single mother. We felt Heavenly Fatherā€™s love and awareness at a hard time over and over through ward members and home teachers.home teachersLuciene Christensen Syrett
Just this week in Alaska, a LDS member who is a bee keeper helped me identify the flying creatures living under my front porch with a suggestion of a couple ways to be rid of them without hurting the neighborhood bees. And told me if they were not bothering me leave them there as they eat mosquitos and aphids.Church MembersAlaskaMichelle Higham
Sister In the Mitchell branch was a life saver by taking me to get my heart surgery done and didn't charge me anything. Thanks Nancy.NancyMitchell branchLee Killam
I am old now partly blind almost deaf. Needless to say I no longer drive. My friend Stephanie takes me places I need to go. She is very busy in her own life but she makes time for me. She is an Angel.StephanieLinda Penney
Tony, our 94 year old neighbor serves in the Temple baptistry weekly, he attends the funeral of every veteran in the county as many as 4 a day, and will travel to see people he was assigned to as a home teacher 50 years ago, baby blessings, baptisms and missionary farewells for their grandchildren and sometimes great grandchildren. And he never fails to take an opportunity to teach and testify of the SaviorTonyBecky Ward Doty
Sisters in the ward. One of the elderly sisters in our ward had to work long past the prime age to work. She wreck her car and had no way to get to work. The sisters came together and scheduled times to get our sister to and from work each day. This was a long time commitment but it was done with love.Church SistersShari Tims
I was walking and pleading with Heavenly Father for some one to show we some love and support. When I returned before I removed my coat a sister knocked at my door with a bunch of flowers in her hand.Church SisterAngela Webster-Smith
When my family first joined the church many years ago my mother was a young widow with three small children. We didnā€™t have a car. A sweet older missionary couple in our congregation bought my mom a used car with their own money. Instead of walking everywhere , sometimes for several miles, now we had transportation. They may never know how drastically this beautiful act of unselfish kindness changed our lives for the better.Elderly Missionary CoupleMaxine Page Hamblin
Darron stepped up to build a structure enclosing a water heater for a neighbor in need, and many in town joined in to help.DarronJean Varney
Priesthood holders gave me a blessing regarding a health issue I have. At least one of them asks me about the progress in healing. Also, the hugs after I am able to walk to the front and give my testimony. BTW, the blessing is working, I got a "talking to" through the Holy Ghost from Father about changes he want me to make in taking better care of my body and finances. So grateful to know He knows me and desires to give me instructions when I cannot seem to come up with better ones for myself.Priesthood HoldersJill Guilford
We had the misfortune of having Fraudsters compromise our bank account. I was traumatized by this situation and my dear friend Catherine felt my pain. Sheā€™s the mother of three tiny kiddos, but as soon as she could she came and brought me gorgeous flowers from her yard and sat with me as I shared with her the events of that horrible day. She listened and empathized and let me cry. She is truly an angel and a blessing in my life!!!CatherineRiverton Utah.Laura Stumph Nixon