Church Updates Age Ranges for Young and Single Adult Classifications

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has revised age ranges for young single adults (YSAs) and single adults (SAs). These changes aim to better serve members and provide appropriate programs.

Key updates:

  • Young Single Adults: Now includes unmarried members ages 18-35
  • Single Adults: Now refers to unmarried members ages 36 and older
  • YSA units may include ages 18-35, with potential separate wards for 18-25 and 26-35 in areas with high YSA populations
  • SA units may include ages 36-45 where available
  • Institute classes now available for ages 18-35, potentially divided into 18-25 and 26-35 groups

The updated age classifications were communicated in an official letter from the Church’s Priesthood and Family Department on Thursday, July 18, 2024, to local leaders in the United States and Canada.

Young Single Adults

The term “young single adult” now refers to unmarried members ages 18-35. Where available, YSA units may include individuals within this age range. In areas with a high concentration of YSAs, particularly in YSA stakes, leaders may consider creating separate wards for members ages 18-25 and 26-35.

Single Adults

“Single adult” now describes unmarried members ages 36 and older. Units for single adults, where available, may include those ages 36-45.

The Church’s Priesthood and Family Department communicated these changes to local leaders in the US and Canada. Area Presidencies and stake presidents will determine the best implementation for their regions.

Leaders are encouraged to consider impacts on existing wards and counsel with individual members as needed. The changes aim to foster belonging and spiritual growth among young adults.

These changes are effective immediately and will be included in chapters 14 and 37 of the General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the coming weeks.

About ldsflow

I love that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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