Comfort in the Scriptures: A Guide for Every Emotion w/ infographic

Life presents us with a myriad of emotions, from joy to sorrow, confidence to doubt. No matter how you’re feeling, the scriptures offer guidance, comfort, and strength. This blogpost provides a collection of Book of Mormon verses tailored to various emotional states, helping you find solace and direction in the words of prophets and in God’s teachings.

Whether you’re feeling sad, afraid, confused, or overwhelmed, you’ll find a relevant scripture and a comforting message.

Feeling Discouraged

When discouragement threatens to overwhelm you, remember that through understanding and accessing the power of Christ’s Atonement, you can find the strength to overcome these challenging feelings.

Alma 26:27 provides a powerful reminder of God’s comforting presence during times of discouragement. In this verse, Ammon recalls how the Lord offered comfort and promises of success to him and his brethren when they were feeling disheartened. This passage serves as a testament to God’s willingness to uplift and encourage us in our moments of doubt and difficulty. It reminds us that when we turn to Him in our discouragement, He offers the same promise of comfort and success.

As you work to overcome feelings of discouragement, consider these additional scriptures for strength and renewed hope:

  • Matthew 11:28–30 – Christ’s invitation to find rest in Him
  • Matthew 26:36–46 – Jesus’ example of perseverance in the face of extreme discouragement
  • Alma 29:10–13 – Alma’s joy in being an instrument in God’s hands
  • Moroni 7:33 – The promise of Christ’s enabling power to do miracles

Remember, no matter how deep your discouragement may feel, Christ’s Atonement provides the power to overcome. As you seek to understand and apply the Atonement in your life, you can find renewed strength, hope, and the ability to push through your challenges.

Feeling Guilty

When guilt weighs heavily on your conscience, remember that the Savior willingly took upon Himself all our sins. Through His Atonement, He offers not just forgiveness, but freedom from the burden of sorrow and guilt that often accompanies our mistakes.

Alma 36:16–21 recounts the powerful transformation of Alma the Younger. Despite committing serious sins, Alma experienced profound forgiveness and relief from his guilt. His story is a testament to the redemptive power of Christ’s Atonement. Alma’s experience of moving from anguish to joy illustrates that no matter how heavy our guilt may feel, true repentance can bring the peace that Alma describes. This passage reminds us that through sincere repentance, we too can find relief from our burdens.

As you work through feelings of guilt, consider these additional scriptures for comfort and guidance:

  • Revelation 3:19 – Understanding God’s loving correction
  • 2 Nephi 9:21–22 – Christ’s suffering for all, that we might not suffer if we repent
  • Alma 38:8–9 – Alma’s counsel to his son about finding deliverance through Christ
  • Moroni 10:32–33 – An invitation to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him

Remember, no matter what mistakes you’ve made or how intense your feelings of guilt may be, the Savior’s Atonement is sufficient to cleanse and heal you. Through sincere repentance, you can experience the same peace and joy that Alma found.

Feeling Confused

When confusion clouds your mind and you’re unsure which path to take, remember that the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, knows the solution to every problem you face. Through His Atonement, He offers not just spiritual healing, but guidance and clarity in all aspects of life.

Joseph Smith’s experience, recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:5–20, provides a powerful example of seeking divine guidance in times of confusion. Faced with the perplexing question of which church to join, Joseph turned to God in sincere prayer. This act of faith led to the First Vision and ultimately to the Restoration of the Lord’s Church. Joseph’s experience teaches us that when we’re feeling lost or confused, we can follow his example—turning to God in prayer and trusting that He will provide answers.

As you navigate through feelings of confusion, consider these additional scriptures for guidance and reassurance:

  • Luke 1:37 – A reminder that nothing is impossible with God
  • Mosiah 26:13 – Alma’s experience seeking guidance from the Lord
  • Ether 2:16–3:6 – The brother of Jared’s journey from confusion to divine illumination
  • Doctrine and Covenants 58:4 – The Lord’s promise of eternal reward after much tribulation

Remember, no matter how complex or confusing your situation may seem, the Lord has the answers. Trust in His wisdom, seek His guidance through prayer, and have faith that He will lead you to clarity and understanding.

Feeling Afraid

When fear grips your heart, remember that Christ has overcome everything—including death itself. This ultimate victory means that, with His help, you have nothing to truly fear.

Mark 4:36-41 recounts a powerful moment when the disciples found themselves terrified in the midst of a raging storm at sea. Their fear was palpable, yet Christ demonstrated His power over even the forces of nature by calming the tempest with three simple words: “Peace, be still.” This story serves as a potent reminder that when we’re facing our own storms of fear, we can call upon the Lord. He has the power to calm not just the external chaos, but also the tumult within our hearts.

As you work to overcome feelings of fear, consider these additional scriptures for strength and reassurance:

  • Isaiah 41:10 – God’s promise to strengthen and uphold us
  • John 14:27 – Christ’s gift of peace that surpasses worldly understanding
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 – The spirit of power, love, and sound mind that God gives us
  • Doctrine and Covenants 6:34 – The Lord’s assurance that He is greater than all our enemies

Remember, no matter what fears you face, Christ has already conquered them. Turn to Him, and let His peace still the storms in your life.

Feeling Sad

When sadness weighs heavy on your heart, remember that Christ experienced all the sorrow you’ll ever face. This shared experience allows Him to offer you perfect comfort and understanding.

In Doctrine and Covenants 121:1–9, we find Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail, overwhelmed with despair. The suffering of Church members, combined with his own trials, left him feeling deeply saddened. Yet, in this moment of darkness, Joseph turned to God in prayer and received divine reassurance. This passage reminds us that even in our darkest moments, God is ready to comfort us when we reach out to Him.

As you navigate through feelings of sadness, consider exploring these additional scriptures for further comfort:

  • John 14:18 – Christ’s promise not to leave us comfortless
  • John 16:33 – Finding peace in Christ despite worldly tribulations
  • Alma 17:10 – God’s comforting words to the sons of Mosiah
  • Doctrine and Covenants 122 – The Lord’s words of comfort to Joseph Smith

Remember, no matter how deep your sadness, you’re never alone. Christ understands your pain and stands ready to offer His perfect comfort.

Feeling Overwhelmed

When life’s demands seem too much to bear, remember that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you can receive the faith and strength necessary to endure all things.

Mosiah 24:13–15 recounts the experience of Alma’s people under the oppression of slavery. Despite their overwhelming circumstances, they turned to God in prayer and received divine strength to bear their burdens. Their backs were strengthened, not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally, enabling them to endure their trials with patience and faith. This passage reminds us that when we feel overwhelmed, we too can turn to God and receive His strengthening power.

As you navigate through overwhelming feelings, consider these additional scriptures for comfort and renewed strength:

  • Alma 26:27 – The Lord’s comfort and promise of success in times of discouragement
  • Alma 31:33 – Alma’s prayer for strength amidst afflictions
  • Alma 36:3 – Alma’s testimony of God’s support through trials
  • Doctrine and Covenants 24:8 – The Lord’s promise to be with us in our afflictions

Remember, no matter how overwhelming your circumstances may seem, Christ’s Atonement provides the power to endure. As you turn to Him in faith, you can receive the strength to bear your burdens and find peace amidst life’s storms.

Feeling Doubt

When doubt creeps into your mind and heart, remember that the gospel of Jesus Christ provides a foundation for finding answers. Trust that the Savior can help you overcome any uncertainty and strengthen your faith.

James 1:5-6 offers powerful counsel for those grappling with doubt. James encourages us to ask God when we lack understanding, but he emphasizes the importance of asking in faith. This passage highlights the crucial distinction between sincere questions that lead to greater understanding and debilitating doubt that can erode faith. It reminds us that approaching our uncertainties with a faithful heart can lead to divine enlightenment and stronger conviction.

As you work through feelings of doubt, consider these additional scriptures for guidance and reassurance:

  • Mosiah 4:9 – King Benjamin’s counsel to believe in God and His omniscience
  • Alma 32:28 – Alma’s analogy of faith as a seed, growing with nourishment
  • Mormon 9:27 – Moroni’s exhortation to not doubt, but be believing
  • Doctrine and Covenants 6:36 – The Lord’s invitation to look to Him in every thought

Remember, doubt need not be a permanent state. By seeking answers through study, prayer, and faithful questioning, you can find clarity and strengthen your testimony. Trust in the Savior’s power to guide you through periods of uncertainty towards greater understanding and faith.

Feeling Frustrated

When frustration mounts, whether with yourself or others, remember that Christ’s grace offers the patience and strength needed to overcome these challenging feelings.

2 Nephi 4:16–35, often referred to as “Nephi’s Psalm,” provides a powerful example of dealing with frustration and self-doubt. Even Nephi, known for his faithfulness, experienced moments of frustration with his own weaknesses. This passage shows Nephi’s journey from self-criticism to renewed faith and determination. It reminds us that when we’re struggling to overcome weaknesses, complete tasks, or resist temptations, we can find comfort and strength in turning to God. Like Nephi, we can experience God’s peace and assistance in our moments of frustration.

As you work through feelings of frustration, consider these additional scriptures for guidance and renewed perspective:

  • Alma 34:41 – Amulek’s counsel to be patient and bear afflictions with hope
  • Alma 38:4–5 – Alma’s reminder to his son of God’s support during trials
  • Doctrine and Covenants 67:13 – The Lord’s promise of grace to the humble
  • Doctrine and Covenants 98:12 – The principle of gradual growth and progression

Remember, frustration doesn’t have to have the final word. Through Christ’s grace, you can develop the patience to deal with your own imperfections and the challenges posed by others. As you turn to Him, you can find the peace and strength to persevere through frustrating circumstances.

Feeling Worthless

When feelings of worthlessness threaten to overwhelm you, remember that Christ suffered for you personally because of His infinite love for you and His perfect understanding of your eternal worth.

Luke 15:3-7 presents the parable of the lost sheep, a powerful illustration of Christ’s love for each individual. In this parable, the Good Shepherd, representing Jesus Christ, leaves the ninety-nine to seek out one lost sheep. This story emphasizes the immense value that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ place on each soul. It reminds us that you are so precious to Them that They provided a way—through the Atonement—for you to return to Them and become like Them. Your worth is not determined by your achievements or failures, but by your divine nature as a child of God.

As you combat feelings of worthlessness, consider these additional scriptures that affirm your infinite worth:

  • John 3:16 – God’s love for the world, demonstrated through the gift of His Son
  • John 15:13 – Christ’s ultimate expression of love through His sacrifice
  • Alma 24:14 – God’s mercy in providing a way for our salvation
  • Doctrine and Covenants 18:10-13 – The declaration of the worth of souls in God’s eyes

Remember, no matter how insignificant you may feel, Christ’s Atonement testifies of your immeasurable worth. You are loved, valued, and infinitely precious to your Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ. Their plan of happiness was created for you, demonstrating your eternal significance in Their eyes.

Feeling Hurt

When pain and hurt weigh heavily on your heart, remember that Christ’s Atonement has the power to heal any wound. Moreover, His love can inspire and strengthen you to forgive those who have caused you pain.

1 Nephi 7:6-21 recounts a powerful example of overcoming hurt through faith and forgiveness. Nephi, despite being bound and threatened with abandonment in the wilderness by his own brothers, turned to the Lord in prayer. Through divine intervention, he was freed, and remarkably, he found the strength to forgive his brothers. This passage demonstrates that even in the face of deep betrayal and hurt, we can turn to the Lord for peace and the capacity to forgive. Nephi’s experience reminds us that through prayer and faith, we too can find healing and the strength to forgive, no matter how profound our pain.

As you work through feelings of hurt, consider these additional scriptures for comfort and guidance:

  • Psalm 147:3 – The Lord’s promise to heal the brokenhearted
  • Isaiah 53:3-5 – Christ’s suffering for our griefs and sorrows
  • Luke 23:1-47 – Jesus’ example of forgiveness even while suffering on the cross
  • 1 Nephi 19:9 – Christ’s endurance of pain and mistreatment out of love for us

Remember, no hurt is beyond the healing power of Christ’s Atonement. As you turn to Him in your pain, you can find not only healing but also the divine love that enables forgiveness. Your hurt can become an opportunity to experience Christ’s healing power and to grow in your capacity to love and forgive as He does.

Feeling Weak

When weakness threatens to overwhelm you, remember that Christ’s mercy and grace offer the strength needed to overcome challenges, even in your moments of greatest vulnerability.

Alma 2:27-31 recounts a critical moment in Nephite history when they faced a fierce battle against the Amlicites. Feeling overwhelmed and weak, the Nephites turned to the Lord, who strengthened them to overcome their enemies. This passage serves as a powerful reminder that in our own battles—whether they be spiritual, emotional, or physical—we can turn to the Lord for strength. Just as He empowered the Nephites, He stands ready to fortify us in our moments of weakness.

As you confront feelings of weakness, consider these additional scriptures for encouragement and strength:

  • Matthew 7:24-27 – The parable of building on a rock, emphasizing the strength found in Christ
  • Mosiah 9:17-18 – The strength that comes from trusting in God
  • Helaman 5:12 – The importance of building our foundation on Christ to withstand life’s storms
  • Ether 12:27 – The Lord’s promise to make weak things strong

Remember, feeling weak doesn’t mean you are weak. Christ’s Atonement provides the means for you to access divine strength beyond your own. As you turn to Him in your moments of weakness, you can be fortified and empowered to face your challenges. Your weakness can become an opportunity to experience His strength in a profound and personal way.

Feeling Lonely

When loneliness threatens to engulf you, remember that because of Christ’s Atonement, you never have to face any trial alone. His sacrifice ensures that He understands your pain and is always there to support you.

Job 1:21-22 recounts the profound trials of Job, including the devastating loss of his children. Despite facing unimaginable sorrow and isolation, Job maintained his faith in the Lord. His example teaches us that by turning to the Lord and striving to know Him better, we can find companionship even in our darkest, loneliest moments. Job’s story reminds us that while we may feel alone, the Lord is always with us, offering comfort and understanding.

As you navigate through feelings of loneliness, consider these additional scriptures for comfort and reassurance:

  • Luke 22:39-44 – Christ’s lonely moments in Gethsemane and the comfort He received
  • John 16:32 – Jesus’ acknowledgment that even when deserted by others, the Father was with Him
  • Doctrine and Covenants 121:9-10 – The Lord’s promise of His presence during our trials
  • Doctrine and Covenants 121:46 – The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost promised to the faithful

Remember, no matter how isolated you may feel, Christ’s Atonement ensures that you are never truly alone. He has experienced the depths of loneliness and stands ready to comfort you. By turning to Him, you can find solace and companionship, even in your most solitary moments.

Feeling Sick

When illness weighs you down, remember that the Lord intimately knows how to succor you. Because of His Atonement and Resurrection, you have the promise of eventual, complete healing from all sicknesses.

Luke 8:43-48 recounts the story of the woman with an issue of blood who was healed by touching the hem of Christ’s garment. This account demonstrates Christ’s power to heal and His compassion for those who suffer. While Christ performed many miraculous healings during His mortal ministry, this passage reminds us that healing can come in various forms. For some, physical healing may be immediate; for others, it may come in the form of comfort and strength to endure. Ultimately, the Resurrection promises complete healing for all our mortal ailments.

As you navigate through times of sickness, consider these additional scriptures for comfort and hope:

  • Matthew 4:23-24 – Christ’s ministry of healing all manner of sickness
  • Mark 9:14-27 – The healing of a boy with an unclean spirit, emphasizing the power of faith
  • Alma 7:11-13 – Christ’s experience with pain and sickness to know how to succor His people
  • 3 Nephi 17:7-10 – The resurrected Christ healing the Nephites

Remember, whether your healing comes in this life or the next, the Lord understands your pain and offers comfort now. His Atonement provides the assurance that one day, you will be completely healed from all sicknesses. In the meantime, trust in His power to strengthen and sustain you through your trials.


About ldsflow

I love that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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