Guardians of the Faith: Protecting LDS Children from LGBTQ+ Indoctrination

Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Latter-day Saint Perspective

From a Latter-day Saint perspective, addressing the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity with our children requires a delicate balance of loveunderstanding, and adherence to gospel principles. As members of the Church, we believe in treating all individuals with kindness and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, we must also be very careful in how we approach these conversations with our children.

Our young people are indeed influenced easily, and if we push them away with harsh reactions or judgments, we could inadvertently be driving them towards influences that may not align with our faith and values. It’s crucial to remember that most kids, at their core, simply want to be liked, to belong, and to be accepted as part of a group.

Changing Social Landscape in Schools

The social landscape in schools has changed significantly over the years. In the 90s, as mentioned, the typical social groups were jocks, preps, nerds, stoners, and later goth and emo. However, there wasn’t a visible LGBTQ+ group or “table” in most schools. Today, the situation is different. LGBTQ+ identities are more visible and accepted in many school environments.

It’s important to acknowledge that some individuals are indeed born with same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. However, the increased visibility and acceptance of LGBTQ+ identities in schools may also lead some prepubescent or early adolescent children to explore these identities as a means of fitting in or finding acceptance, rather than as a reflection of their innate orientation or identity.

In schools where LGBTQ+ topics and identities are openly discussed and visible, some children may be enticed to “toe the line” or experiment with these identities, especially if they’re seeking a sense of belonging. This doesn’t invalidate the experiences of those who genuinely identify as LGBTQ+, but it does highlight the complex social dynamics at play.

Navigating School Environments

Public schools, in their efforts to be inclusive and supportive, may inadvertently create an environment that some might perceive as “grooming.” However, it’s crucial to approach this topic with nuance and avoid blanket accusations. Schools (at least at times think) they are often trying to create safe spaces for all students, including those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Responding to Children’s Confusion

If your child expresses confusion about their sexual orientation or gender identity, it’s vital to respond with kindness and understanding rather than anger or rejection. Yelling, screaming, or reacting negatively will likely push them further away and may damage your relationship and their connection to the Church.

Instead, focus on openhonest, and loving communication. Be understanding of their feelings and experiences. Listen without judgment, and create a safe space for them to express themselves. At the same time, take the opportunity to teach them about relevant scriptures and Church teachings in a loving and contextual manner.

The Importance of Home-Centered Gospel Teaching

With the increased visibility of LGBTQ+ topics in schools and media, it’s more important than ever to make our homes centers of gospel learning. The Church’s emphasis on home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning takes on new significance in this context. By consistently teaching gospel principles at home, we can help our children develop a strong spiritual foundation that will guide them as they encounter diverse perspectives and experiences outside the home.

One of the greatest challenges for Latter-day Saint parents is balancing the need to show unconditional love and acceptance with the desire to uphold Church doctrine. The Church teaches that feeling same-sex attraction is not a sin, but acting on those feelings is. This nuanced position requires careful explanation and constant reinforcement of God’s love for all His children.

Share passages from the Bible and other scriptures that emphasize God’s love for all His children, the importance of treating others with kindness, and the divine nature of gender and family as outlined in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” Help them understand that while we love and respect all people, including those who identify as LGBTQ+, we also believe in following God’s plan for gender, sexuality, and family.

Teach them that it’s possible to be kind, respectful, and inclusive towards LGBTQ+ individuals while still adhering to the standards and teachings of the Church. Help them navigate the complexities of showing Christlike love to all while remaining true to their faith.

Our role as parents and leaders is to provide loving guidance, create a safe space for open discussion, and help our children develop a strong foundation in the gospel that will guide them through life’s challenges.

Seeking Professional Help When Needed

If a child is struggling with issues of sexual orientation or gender identity, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. The Church acknowledges that professional counseling can be helpful, as long as it’s in harmony with gospel principles. Resources like LDS Family Services can provide guidance aligned with Church teachings.

Preparing for Missionary Service and Temple Marriage

For many Latter-day Saint youth, preparing for missionary service and temple marriage are important goals. When discussing LGBTQ+ topics, it can be helpful to frame the conversation in the context of these future aspirations, emphasizing the joy and blessings that come from following the Lord’s plan.

Creating a Safe Haven

Ultimately, our homes should be safe havens where our children feel loved, accepted, and free to discuss any topic without fear of rejection. By fostering an environment of open communication, unconditional love, and firm gospel teaching, we can help our children navigate the complexities of modern society while staying true to their faith.

As a concerned parent, it’s natural to worry about the influences your kids face, especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ issues that might conflict with our Latter-day Saint values. It’s a tough situation – you want your kids to be kind and inclusive, but you also want to protect them from influences that could lead them away from the gospel path.

Look, the world’s changing fast, and our kids are exposed to a lot more than we ever were at their age. It’s scary to think about how easily they could be swayed by peer groups that are heavily promoting LGBTQ+ lifestyles. You might be losing sleep over this, wondering if your child will come home one day questioning their identity or saying they want to explore these lifestyles.

The key is to stay close to your kids. Talk to them often, really listen to what’s going on in their lives. Make your home a safe place where they can share anything without fear. At the same time, don’t shy away from teaching gospel principles. Be clear about your family’s values, but do it with love, not judgment.

Try to keep your kids busy with church activities, family time, and hobbies that align with your values. The more positive influences they have, the less likely they’ll be drawn to groups that worry you. But remember, you can’t control everything. All you can do is love them, guide them, and pray for them. Trust in the Lord and the foundation you’ve built. It’s not easy, but with faith and persistence, you can help your kids navigate these tricky waters.

Best of luck!

About ldsflow

I love that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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