LDS Church and Abortion: A Comprehensive Update and Overview

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ stance on abortion is rooted in the commandment found in Doctrine and Covenants 59:6, which states, “Thou shalt not … kill, nor do anything like unto it.” This scripture forms the basis for the Church’s general opposition to elective abortion.

The LDS Church firmly opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience. Members are explicitly instructed not to submit to, perform, arrange for, pay for, consent to, or encourage abortions.

However, the Church recognizes certain exceptional circumstances where abortion might be considered:

  1. When pregnancy results from forcible rape or incest.
  2. When a competent physician determines that the mother’s life or health is in serious jeopardy.
  3. When a competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth.

It’s crucial to note that these exceptions do not automatically justify abortion. The Church emphasizes that even in these cases, abortion should only be considered after careful deliberation and prayer.

Decision-Making Process and Leadership Guidance

For members facing such difficult circumstances, the Church encourages a thoughtful and spiritual approach to decision-making. This process may include:

  • Personal prayer and reflection
  • Consultation with priesthood leaders, particularly bishops
  • Seeking medical advice from competent physicians

The handbook provides a clear chain of authority for handling abortion-related issues:

  • Bishops should refer complex cases to stake presidents
  • Stake presidents can direct questions to the Office of the First Presidency if necessary

Members who participate in abortion outside the outlined exceptions may face a membership council. However, such councils are not necessary for members who were involved in abortions before baptism or for those who fall under the three exceptions mentioned earlier.

Repentance, Forgiveness, and Compassionate Approach

Importantly, the Church teaches that repentance and forgiveness are possible for those involved in abortion. This aligns with the broader LDS doctrine of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the possibility of forgiveness for sins.

Despite its firm stance, the Church emphasizes the need for compassion and understanding in dealing with abortion-related issues. This includes support for women who have experienced abortion and recognition of the difficult circumstances that can lead to such decisions.

The following are the guidelines on abortion as currently found in the General Handbook (section 38.6.1):


The Lord commanded, “Thou shalt not … kill, nor do anything like unto it” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:6). The Church opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience. Members must not submit to, perform, arrange for, pay for, consent to, or encourage an abortion. The only possible exceptions are when:

Pregnancy resulted from forcible rape or incest.

A competent physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy.

A competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth.

Even these exceptions do not automatically justify abortion. Abortion is a most serious matter. It should be considered only after the persons responsible have received confirmation through prayer. Members may counsel with their bishops as part of this process.

Presiding officers carefully review the circumstances if a Church member has been involved in an abortion. A membership council may be necessary if a member submits to, performs, arranges for, pays for, consents to, or encourages an abortion (see However, a membership council should not be considered if a member was involved in an abortion before baptism. Nor should membership councils or restrictions be considered for members who were involved in an abortion for any of the three reasons outlined earlier in this section.

Bishops refer questions on specific cases to the stake president. The stake president may direct questions to the Office of the First Presidency if necessary.

As far as has been revealed, a person may repent and be forgiven for the sin of abortion.

Broader Context and Conclusion

The Church’s stance on abortion fits within its larger teachings on the sanctity of life and the importance of family. Church leaders have occasionally spoken out on legislation and public policy related to abortion, generally advocating for restrictions on abortion while acknowledging the complexity of the issue.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints maintains a nuanced yet clear position on abortion. While generally opposing the practice, it recognizes exceptional circumstances and emphasizes individual responsibilityspiritual guidance, and the possibility of forgiveness. This approach reflects the Church’s attempt to balance doctrinal principles with compassion for individuals facing difficult situations.

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About ldsflow

I love that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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  1. Avatar photo

    My wife would of never thought about Abortion. hard to believe that many people are out there.

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