
Abinadi was a prophet called by the Lord to preach to the people of King Noah in the land of Lehi-Nephi around 150 BC [1]. He was sent to warn the people to repent of their wickedness, which included idolatry, immorality, materialism, and pride [1]. When Abinadi first delivered this message, the people became angry and sought to take his life, but the Lord delivered him [1][3].

The Lord then gave the people two years to consider Abinadi’s message before sending him back to them [2]. This time, Abinadi came among the people in disguise, so they did not recognize him at first [2]. When he formally announced himself as Abinadi, the people seized him and brought him before King Noah [2].

During his trial before King Noah and his priests, Abinadi boldly confronted them, questioning their ability to teach the people and accusing them of not living the law of Moses [2]. When the priests tried to put him to death, Abinadi’s face shone with a great light, like Moses’ did on Mount Sinai, but the hardened priests were unmoved [2].

Abinadi then delivered the full message the Lord had sent him to give, prophesying the destruction of King Noah and his people if they did not repent [3]. After delivering this message, Abinadi was ruthlessly burned to death by King Noah, fulfilling Abinadi’s own prophecy about Noah’s fate [2][3].

Though Abinadi converted only one man, Alma, during his ministry, that conversion had a profound impact [1]. Alma went on to become a great prophet and leader among the Nephites, preserving Abinadi’s teachings and ensuring they were included in the sacred records that became the Book of Mormon [1]. Abinadi’s courage, faith, and powerful witness of Christ have made him one of the most significant and memorable figures in the Book of Mormon.

Learn more:

  1. Abinadi: The Prophet and Martyr | Religious Studies Center
  2. Mosiah 12-16. Martyr in Disguise | The Interpreter Foundation
  3. Appendix 1 | Religious Studies Center