
Ammah was one of Ammon’s missionary companions on his mission to the Lamanites. Along with Aaron and Muloki, Ammah was imprisoned in the land of Middoni (Alma 20:2). When Ammon went to deliver his brethren from prison, the Lord directed him to go to Middoni, where Ammah, Aaron, and Muloki were being held (Alma 20:2-5).

After Ammon secured the release of his brethren from prison, Ammah and the others continued their missionary work. They preached in the land of Ani-Anti and the land of Middoni (Alma 21:11-12). Through their efforts, many Lamanites were converted and joined the church [1].

Ammah, along with Ammon and the other sons of Mosiah, had prepared extensively for their mission by diligently searching the scriptures, giving themselves to much prayer and fasting, and teaching the word of God for 14 years among the Lamanites (Alma 17:2-4). This spiritual preparation enabled them to teach “with power and authority of God” and bring many Lamanites to the knowledge of the truth (Alma 17:3-4) [2].

The missionary work of Ammah and the others was challenging, as the Lamanites were described as a “wild and a hardened and a ferocious people” who delighted in “murdering the Nephites, and robbing and plundering them” (Alma 17:14). However, through their patience, long-suffering, and willingness to serve, they were able to have great success in bringing many Lamanites to Christ [1][3].

Learn more:

  1. Ammah
  2. Alma 20
  3. Book of Mormon Lesson 25: “They Taught With Power and Authority of God” – LDS Living