
Ammon(1) was a strong and mighty man, and a descendant of Zarahemla (Mosiah 7:3) [1]. He was chosen by King Mosiah(2) to lead a group of sixteen men to go up to the land of Lehi-Nephi to inquire about the people who had gone there under Zeniff (Mosiah 7:2) [2].

Ammon and his men wandered in the wilderness for forty days before arriving at a hill north of the land of Shilom (Mosiah 7:4-5) [2]. Ammon then took three of his brethren and went down into the land of Nephi, where they were surrounded by the king’s guards and taken prisoner (Mosiah 7:6-7) [2].

After being imprisoned for two days, Ammon was able to speak with the king, Limhi, and revealed that he was a descendant of Zarahemla (Mosiah 7:12-13) [2]. Limhi was overjoyed to learn that Ammon’s people in Zarahemla were still alive, and he hoped they could help deliver the people of Limhi from their bondage to the Lamanites (Mosiah 7:14-15) [2].

Ammon and his men were then able to help Limhi and his people escape from the Lamanites and travel back to the land of Zarahemla, where they were reunited with Mosiah(2) and the Nephites (Mosiah 22:13-14) [2].

Overall, Ammon(1) played a crucial role in discovering the fate of Zeniff’s colony and facilitating the return of Limhi’s people to the land of Zarahemla (Mosiah 7-22) [2].

Learn more:

  1. Mosiah 8
  2. Mosiah 7
  3. Ammon 1 – Descendant of Zarahemla | ScriptureCentral