
Amulon was a wicked Nephite who became a leader among the priests of the evil King Noah. After Abinadi was martyred for preaching the gospel, Amulon and the other priests fled into the wilderness to escape the Nephites. They eventually came across a group of Lamanites and convinced the Lamanite king to spare their lives.

The Lamanite king then appointed Amulon as a tributary monarch over a group of Nephite dissenters led by Alma the Elder. Amulon cruelly oppressed Alma’s people, threatening them with death if they were caught praying. However, the Lord helped Alma’s people escape from Amulon’s rule and flee to the land of Zarahemla.

Later, the Lamanites killed many of Amulon’s descendants out of anger over the Nephites. The remaining Amulonites then tried to usurp power over the Lamanites, causing some of them to be killed by fire. Eventually, the Lamanites rebelled against the Amulonites and hunted them down, fulfilling the prophecy of Abinadi that the wicked priests like Amulon would be hunted and destroyed. [1][2][3]

Learn more:

  1. Who Was Amulon in the Book of Mormon? – Purpose in Christ
  2. Amulon
  3. Amulon in The Book of Mormon