Sweet treats from a LDS member.

Momma’s Pop Shop

Momma’s Pop Shop

Momma’s Pop Shop specializes in custom cake pops for all occasions. Run by Madeline, the shop offers a variety of cake pop options, including solid colors and decorated themes to match events like weddings and birthdays. The shop also hosts interactive workshops where participants can learn to create cake pops and take home their creations. First-time orders receive a 20% discount, and the shop emphasizes community engagement through announcements, giveaways, and a monthly flavor feature.

We had a chance to talk with the owner, Madeline Silfies, who had nothing but wonderful things to say!

1. How has your faith as a member of the Latter-day Saints influenced your approach to running your business?

This is an excellent question! As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I have been taught to be true, honest, and to always be aware of the blessings in my life. I have been taught to seek out an eternal perspective and because of this, I have always looked at my business through that lens. Ultimately, I know that being yourself and being genuine is where the benefits of God’s blessings come from. In the beginning of starting my business, I had created something to be able to give me the flexibility to create an income for me and my son. Family is at the forefront of my mind always and so I had prayed to be able to find a job that would be able to give me the time I knew I needed to be home with him all the while generating some kind of income. Because of the value of family that I have been taught in this gospel, I believe I have been incredibly blessed.

2. Can you share any specific values or teachings from your faith that guide your interactions with customers?

When I read this question, I immediately thought of the interaction I have with my customers for pickup! I kid you not, I hug each and every one of them! Ha! I am naturally a “hugger.” If you know me, you know I love a good hug!! But I also feel like that’s what people would say makes my business different from others. I think that when I interact with each customer, they know they are so much appreciated and loved. That is all about what theĀ gospel is to me! Making sure others feel appreciated and loved!

3. In what ways do you feel your cake pop business serves your community and aligns with the principles of your faith?

A big way that my business serves my community is that I work closely with school districts as well as youth organizations. I believe that every interaction matters and my main join this life is to be able to have others feel the light of Christ. I think that when it comes to serving my community, I am able to meet a lot of people throughout the year which means there are many opportunities to serve others!

4. How do you balance your business responsibilities with your commitments to your church and community activities?

I have a very supportive husband! I think that makes all the difference! Because of his support for my business, I am not alone when it comes to managing the day to day operations! It’s wonderful! I highly recommend having a supportive partner!!

5. Are there any particular events or holidays in the Latter-day Saint tradition that inspire special cake pop creations?

As of now, there haven’t been any holidays in the Latter-Day Saint tradition that have inspired any special Cake Pop creations! I’d absolutely LOVE to create Pioneer Cake Pops for Pioneer Day!!! Just haven’t found the right opportunity yet!

1. What inspired you to start Mommaā€™s Pop Shop, and how did you get into cake pop making?

This is a great question! I had started Momma’s Pop Shop a little under ten years ago! I have been baking for a lot longer than that but I really started to focus on Cake Pops when my little guy at home was born. Baking has always been a hobby of mine! I love to be in the kitchen! However, when I became a single parent, I knew I needed to do something more to be able to provide for my child. I was always bringing Cake Pops to my family functions and they were a huge hit! I knew I had something to be able to grow! Honestly, selling Cake Pops was not that hard. They were a fan favorite and I loved the “selling” part of business because I truly am such an extrovert. It’s been years in the making, and owning a small business has been so incredible!!

2. Can you describe your creative process when designing custom cake pops for different occasions?

I truly base all of my designs off of the themes, decorations, or anything the customer has a focus on! If I am left to create my own design, I think of the event and who the Cake Pop is for!

3. What are some of the most popular flavors or themes that customers request for their cake pops?

The most popular flavor of Cake Pops that are requested are hands down vanilla! It’s such a simple, yet delicious flavor and is an all around crowd pleaser! I prefer chocolate if anyone is asking !!

4. How do you ensure that each cake pop is unique and meets your customers’ expectations?

I follow this general rule of thumb that I learned years ago from working in a restaurant- “If I served myself this item, would I enjoy it?”

5. What do you enjoy most about hosting workshops, and what do participants typically take away from the experience?

Workshops are easily my favorite experience in owning a small business! I have learned so much from teaching others how to create Cake Pops. It’s actually really neat. As a full time teacher in my real life, I have been able to take the love of teaching and the joy of makingĀ Cake Pops and combining both worlds. What I enjoy the most about hosting workshops is being able to see the “aha” moments with each participant when they see they too can make beautiful Cake Pops! The participants are taught so much. My Cake Pop workshops cover everything from baking your cake all the way to packaging your finished product! It’s a ton of fun!

6. How do you keep your business fresh and exciting with new flavors or designs?

I like to follow the seasons! So for example, fall is quickly approaching! What I like to do is mimicĀ the calendarĀ and create a flavor that matches the season! Pumpkin Spice Cake Pops are on deck!

7. Can you share a memorable experience with a customer that has impacted your business?

There are so many memorable experiences with many customers that have impacted my business. I think that is what makes owning a small businessĀ so special is that every single interaction matters. Both the good and the bad interactions. I like to think that out of every 100 interactions I have, maybe one or two will not be completely satisfied and that is oaky. I know that there are things to learn from each interaction! It’s constantly revolving and I am so grateful for customers who are honest and share their genuine opinions! My ultimate favorite experiences though, are the people that are genuinelyĀ surprised with their order and they find such happiness within the Cake Pops I’ve created. It’s such a thrill!

8. What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own small business in a niche market like cake pops?Ā 

To anyone looking to start their own small business, I would say this- Just start. Things take time. Learning new things will never be perfect. You justĀ need to give yourself the dedication to start and continue no matter how hard or impossible it may seem. I’d tell someone to challenge themselves and to keep pushing themselves. We never ever grow in our comfort zones!
Sweet treats from a LDS member.
Thanks so much for taking the time!
Nothing sweeter than a good Cake Pop and JesusĀ šŸ’ž

Sounds tasty

Thank you for sharing your insights with us! Mommaā€™s Pop Shop, under the loving guidance of its founder, exemplifies the harmony between faith and entrepreneurship. With a genuine commitment to serving her community and creating delightful treats, she embodies the values of love, appreciation, and family that are central to her Latter-day Saints beliefs. From her heartfelt customer interactions to her creative workshops, itā€™s clear that every cake pop made is a reflection of her passion and dedication. We encourage you to visit Mommaā€™s Pop Shop and experience the joy of her delicious creations firsthand. After all, thereā€™s nothing sweeter than a good cake pop and the spirit of kindness!