Tag Archives: LBGT

Guardians of the Faith: Protecting LDS Children from LGBTQ+ Indoctrination

Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Latter-day Saint Perspective From a Latter-day Saint perspective, addressing the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity with our children requires a delicate balance of love, understanding, and adherence to gospel principles. As members of the Church, we believe in treating all individuals with kindness and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, …

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Love, Understanding, and Doctrine: The LDS Church’s Stance on Same-Sex Attraction w/ video

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints extends love and support to its brothers and sisters who identify as LGBT or experience same-sex attraction.Watch a brief video or continue reading below 👇. The Church affirms that each individual is a beloved child of Heavenly Parents, created in Their image, with infinite worth and potential. One’s identity or experiences do …

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