40 Heartfelt Questions to Connect with Your Missionary: Fostering Meaningful Conversations and Spiritual Growth

Recent updates to communication policies have expanded opportunities for Latter-day Saint missionaries to connect with their families. These interactions can be both meaningful and supportive of the missionary work. To help families engage in uplifting conversations that focus on the mission experience, we’ve compiled a list of thirty thoughtful questions. These prompts are designed to inspire insightful discussions during your next communication with your missionary. Browse through the list and select questions that resonate with you, enhancing your conversations and strengthening your connection to your missionary’s service.

40 questions for the missionaries

  1. What aspect of missionary work brings you the most joy?
  2. How has your testimony grown or changed since beginning your mission?
  3. Can you tell us about the individuals you’re currently teaching?
  4. What’s the current focus or emphasis in your mission?
  5. How did you spend your most recent preparation day?
  6. Have you witnessed any miracles in your missionary work lately?
  7. What’s been the biggest cultural adjustment in your mission area?
  8. How can we support you through our prayers?
  9. Is there a particular general conference talk that has resonated with you lately?
  10. What insights have you gained from your personal and companionship study this week?
  11. How do you and your companion resolve disagreements or conflicts?
  12. Are any of your investigators preparing for baptism soon?
  13. What’s the most impactful thing you’ve learned from your mission companions?
  14. How can we better support the missionaries in our local area?
  15. Which scripture has been particularly meaningful to you recently?
  16. What motivates you to continue your missionary service each day?
  17. How is the missionary work progressing in your area?
  18. Can you share a spiritual prompting you’ve received while teaching?
  19. What’s the most interesting or delicious food you’ve tried on your mission?
  20. How has your mission president inspired or motivated you recently?
  21. Tell us about a meaningful service opportunity you’ve had.
  22. What accomplishment are you most proud of this week?
  23. How has your perspective on being a missionary evolved since you started?
  24. Describe your working relationship with your ward mission leader.
  25. What’s a skill you’ve developed or improved since starting your mission?
  26. How are the recent converts in your area doing?
  27. If you could give advice to a new missionary, what would it be?
  28. Share a fun experience you’ve had with your companion recently.
  29. How have your efforts to find new investigators been going?
  30. What’s the most effective teaching method you’ve discovered?
  31. Is there anything specific you’d like us to include in our next care package?
  32. Have you set any specific goals for your mission? What are they?
  33. How has your relationship with Heavenly Father deepened through your mission?
  34. What’s unique or inspiring about the members in your ward?
  35. Are you facing any particular challenges right now?
  36. Can you share a memorable experience you’ve had with a member missionary?
  37. Describe a lesson you taught recently that went particularly well.
  38. How do you maintain a positive attitude during challenging times?
  39. In what ways can we best encourage and support your mission work from home?
  40. Is there a specific goal or habit you’d like us to help you be accountable for?


About ldsflow

I love that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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  1. This was a great list

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