Compact Timeline of the Life of Joseph Smith w/ infographic

Here is a compact version of the timeline and life of Joseph Smith. With accompanying infographic.

For a greatly detailed breakdown of this chart, please visit: Our post here, where we dissect each entry.

  • 1805 Entered mortality in Sharon, Vermont.
  • 1816–1817 Relocated with family to western New York.
  • 1820 Experienced divine visitation in sacred grove.
  • 1823 Received heavenly visitation from angel Moroni.
  • 1827 Wedded Emma Hale. Acquired ancient golden records.
  • 1829 Completed majority of Book of Mormon translation. Restored Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods.
  • 1830 Published Book of Mormon. Established the Church. Began inspired revision of the Bible.
  • 1831 Transplanted from New York to Ohio. Revealed Missouri as Latter-day Saint gathering place.
  • 1833 Concluded Bible revision. Printed Book of Commandments.
  • 1834 Commanded Zion’s Camp expedition to aid Missouri Saints.
  • 1835 Instituted Quorum of Twelve Apostles. Released Doctrine and Covenants.
  • 1836 Dedicated Kirtland Temple. Witnessed celestial visitations of Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah.
  • 1837 Inaugurated British missionary work. Faced internal strife and economic challenges in Kirtland.
  • 1838 Departed Ohio for Missouri. Surrendered to militia. Imprisoned awaiting trial.
  • 1839 Eluded captors. Established new settlement in Illinois. Petitioned President Van Buren for Missouri restitution.
  • 1841 Appointed lieutenant general of Nauvoo Legion militia.
  • 1842 Founded Female Relief Society. Introduced sacred temple ordinances. Elected Nauvoo mayor.
  • 1843 Documented revelation on plural marriage and eternal unions.
  • 1844 Declared candidacy for U.S. presidency. Martyred by violent mob.

About ldsflow

I love that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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