
Aaron(2) was a Lamanite king who fought against the Nephite armies led by the prophet-general Mormon. In the 330th year, Aaron came against Mormon’s army with an army of 44,000 men [1]. Mormon withstood him with an army of 42,000 men, and he was able to defeat Aaron’s forces, causing Aaron to flee before him [1].

This battle was part of the ongoing conflict between the Nephites and Lamanites during the time of Mormon. The Nephites were facing great wickedness and destruction, with “blood and carnage spread throughout all the face of the land” [1]. Despite the Nephites’ efforts to defend themselves, they were eventually driven out of their lands by the Lamanites [1].

The defeat of Aaron’s army by Mormon’s smaller force shows the power of the Lord working through the Nephite prophet-general. However, the Nephites were ultimately unable to overcome the Lamanites, as they had become weakened by their own wickedness and the withdrawal of the Spirit of the Lord [1].

The account of Aaron’s defeat is a sobering part of the tragic history recorded by Mormon, as he witnessed the downfall of his people due to their unrepentance and rejection of God. [1]

Learn more:

  1. Mormon 2
  2. Who’s Who in the Book of Mormon?
  3. Chapter 25: Aaron Teaches King Lamoni’s Father