
Amulek was Alma’s companion on his mission to the people of Ammonihah [Alma 8-16]. When Alma was initially rejected by the people of Ammonihah, an angel visited him and told him to return and warn them to repent or be destroyed [Alma 8:16-17]. As Alma entered the city, he asked a man named Amulek for food, and Amulek took him into his home [Alma 8:19-20].

Amulek had been visited by an angel who told him to receive Alma [Alma 10:7-8]. Amulek had been “inactive” his whole life, but he opened his home to Alma [Alma 10:5-6]. Alma blessed Amulek’s household for receiving him [Alma 10:11].

Together, Alma and Amulek preached powerfully to the people of Ammonihah, withstanding the deception of Zeezrom [Alma 11-12]. They were forced to witness the murder of believers by fire, but remained faithful [Alma 14:8-13].

After their harrowing experiences in Ammonihah, Amulek had forsaken his wealth and been rejected by his family and friends for the word of God [Alma 15:16]. Alma took Amulek back to Zarahemla and cared for him [Alma 15:18]. Amulek later accompanied Alma on a mission to the Zoramites [Alma 31:6].

Amulek is considered one of the great heroes of the Book of Mormon for his faithfulness in the face of great trials and persecution. Some of the most profound doctrinal teachings in the Book of Mormon came through Alma and Amulek’s missions [Alma 11-12].

Learn more:

  1. Chapter 22: Almaā€™s Mission to Ammonihah
  2. The Trial of Alma and Amulek | ScriptureCentral
  3. Alma 14