Scripture / Angels

Faith Meets Fact: Jesus Walked – LDS Perspectives on the Historical Reality of Jesus

The Historical Jesus The overwhelming consensus among scholars, both religious and secular, is that Jesus was indeed a real historical figure who lived in early first-century Israel and founded Christianity. It’s frankly astounding that in the face of such strong evidence, there are still those who stubbornly cling to the notion that Jesus was merely a literary creation or myth. …

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Compact Timeline of the Life of Joseph Smith w/ infographic

Here is a compact version of the timeline and life of Joseph Smith. With accompanying infographic. For a greatly detailed breakdown of this chart, please visit: Our post here, where we dissect each entry. 1805 Entered mortality in Sharon, Vermont. 1816–1817 Relocated with family to western New York. 1820 Experienced divine visitation in sacred grove. 1823 Received heavenly visitation from angel Moroni. 1827 Wedded Emma …

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The Amazing life and Timeline of Joseph Smith – w/ infographics

Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led a life marked by profound spiritual experiences, rapid organizational growth, and intense persecution. From 1835 to 1844, Smith’s prophetic career reached its apex, encompassing a period of remarkable achievements and devastating setbacks. This timeline traces the final decade of Smith’s life, highlighting key events that shaped …

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Captain Moroni Blueprint: Building Character in Young Men – Study Guide

In today’s world, young men desperately need strong, virtuous role models to guide them. The challenges facing modern youth are numerous and complex, ranging from societal pressures to moral ambiguity. In this landscape, Captain Moroni stands out as one of the most exceptional examples of manhood in religious history. Captain Moroni’s story resonates powerfully in our current era. His unwavering …

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Comfort in the Scriptures: A Guide for Every Emotion w/ infographic

Life presents us with a myriad of emotions, from joy to sorrow, confidence to doubt. No matter how you’re feeling, the scriptures offer guidance, comfort, and strength. This blogpost provides a collection of Book of Mormon verses tailored to various emotional states, helping you find solace and direction in the words of prophets and in God’s teachings. Whether you’re feeling …

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Captain Moroni: The Righteous Warrior

IntroductionIn the Book of Mormon, Captain Moroni stands out as a formidable and complex leader. Known for his strategic prowess and unwavering faith, Moroni is often celebrated as a hero. However, his story also reveals a man who was not always gentle or kind by conventional standards. This complexity makes his character all the more relatable and underscores an important …

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Moroni: Beyond the Statue

The Prophet Behind the SymbolTo many, Moroni is simply the golden figure adorning the spires of Latter-day Saint temples. However, his significance in the faith runs much deeper. Moroni was a prophet-historian whose life and mission are central to the narrative of the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the gospel as believed by members of The Church of …

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Moroni: Guardian Angel of America

Moroni’s role extended far beyond ensuring Joseph Smith unearthed the golden plates. From the moment the plates were buried, Moroni’s mission was to prepare a nation that could host the Restoration. He stands as one of the most influential figures in world history, yet his story often goes untold. When was the last time someone asked you, “What do you …

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