
Aaron(3) was the son of Heth in the Jaredite genealogy, as recorded in the Book of Ether (Ether 1:16, 10:31). His grandfather, Hearthom, was deposed and placed in captivity, according to Endnote 1. [1]

Several generations of Hearthom’s family, including Heth and Heth’s son Aaron, were born and raised in this captivity. [1] The nature of this “captivity” is not clearly defined, but it was likely more than just being locked in a room. It was probably a situation where the family was confined to a certain community, with guards living with them to ensure their movements did not threaten the current ruler. [1]

So in summary, Aaron(3) was part of a Jaredite family that experienced several generations of captivity, likely under restricted living conditions with guards, after his grandfather Hearthom was deposed from power. This captivity shaped the circumstances in which Aaron and his family lived.

Learn more:

  1. Who’s Who in the Book of Mormon?
  2. Why Does the Book of Ether Begin with Such a Long Genealogy?
  3. The Genealogy from Jared to Ether | Book of Mormon Central