
Akish was a wicked Jaredite king who was enticed by lust for the daughter of Jared, the son of the Jaredite king Omer. [1][2] Jared offered Akish his daughter in marriage if Akish would kill the king, Omer. [1][2] Akish agreed and formed a secret combination with his family to plot the king’s death. [1][2]

Omer was warned by the Lord in a dream about Akish’s plot, and he fled with some of his family to escape the conspiracy. [1][2] After Omer fled, Jared was anointed king in his place. [1][2]

However, it was only a short time later that Akish had Jared murdered and was then anointed king himself. [1][2] Akish’s reign was marked by great wickedness – he was so corrupted that he even starved one of his own sons to death out of jealousy. [2]

Eventually, Akish was deposed and perhaps even killed in a civil war with his other sons. [1][2] His entire kingdom was nearly destroyed in these conflicts. [2]

Akish represents the dangers of secret combinations and unchecked ambition. His lust for power and willingness to commit murder led to the downfall of the Jaredite civilization. The Book of Mormon uses Akish’s story as a warning against the evils of secret societies and the corrupting influence of power.

Learn more:

  1. Akish
  2. Akish
  3. Who’s Who in the Book of Mormon?