The Delicate Balance: Addressing Conflict as a Latter-day Saint

In our Church community, a concerning trend is emerging: an increasing tendency to avoid conflict at all costs, even if it means compromising our covenants. This approach, while well-intentioned, can be problematic. When we were baptized, we covenanted to stand as witnesses of God “at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9). This commitment doesn’t come with an asterisk excluding difficult or controversial situations.

Satan often presents a false dichotomy: either avoid conflict entirely or engage in contentious arguments. This oversimplification ignores the nuanced approach Christ demonstrated throughout His ministry. While unity is crucial, it shouldn’t come at the expense of truth. True unity in the gospel stems from aligning ourselves with God’s will and truths, not from avoiding difficult topics.

It’s possible to stand firm in our beliefs without being contentious. Christ exemplified this balance perfectly, teaching bold truths with love and compassion. Discipleship often requires stepping out of our comfort zones. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell wisely noted, we can’t expect to avoid the very experiences that shaped our Savior’s character.

When discussing sensitive issues like the law of chastity or following prophetic counsel, we should do so with love, respect, and a genuine desire to understand and help others. Paul declared, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” (Romans 1:16). We too should feel confident in our beliefs, sharing them without constant apologies or disclaimers.

Conflict, when approached correctly, can be an opportunity for personal growth, deeper understanding, and stronger relationships. While conflict may be inevitable, contention is a choice. We can disagree respectfully and stand firm in our beliefs without resorting to anger or bitterness. When facing difficult situations, we can trust that God will help us navigate conflicts as we strive to do His will.

Moving Forward with Faith

As we encounter conflicts, let’s recommit to living our covenants with courage and compassion. We can stand for truth while still embodying Christ-like love and understanding. Strive to be a peacemaker without compromising truth. Engage in difficult conversations with love and respect. Trust in God’s guidance as you navigate complex situations.

By approaching conflict with wisdom, love, and unwavering faith, we can fulfill our covenants and follow Christ’s example, making a positive impact in our communities and the world at large. Remember, our goal is not to win arguments, but to invite others to come unto Christ. This requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to listen as well as speak.

In the face of opposition, let us draw strength from the Savior’s example. He faced constant conflict during His mortal ministry, yet never wavered in His mission or His love for others. We can do the same, standing firm in our beliefs while extending compassion to those who may disagree with us.

Ultimately, our ability to navigate conflict while maintaining our integrity and love for others is a testament to our discipleship. It’s not about avoiding all conflict, but about handling it in a way that honors our covenants and reflects the love of Christ. As we do so, we not only grow personally but also become more effective instruments in the Lord’s hands for bringing others to the truth.

About ldsflow

I love that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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