
Aminadab was a Nephite by birth who had dissented and was living among the Lamanites (Helaman 5:35). He was present when Nephi (3) and Lehi (3) were imprisoned by the Lamanites and surrounded by a pillar of fire (Helaman 5:22-25).

When the Lamanites were terrified and paralyzed by the shaking of the prison walls and the cloud of darkness that overshadowed them, Aminadab recognized the power of God that Alma, Amulek, and Zeezrom had previously preached about (Helaman 5:35-41). He instructed the Lamanites to repent and have faith in Christ, which would restore their vision (Helaman 5:41).

The Lamanites followed Aminadab’s advice, and not only was their vision restored (Helaman 5:43), but angels came from heaven to minister to them (Helaman 5:48). This miraculous event led to the conversion of about 300 Lamanites (Helaman 5:49).

Aminadab’s role as a dissenter who recognized the power of God and helped lead the Lamanites to repentance and faith in Christ is an important part of the account in Helaman 5 (pages 235-237).

Learn more:

  1. Helaman 5
  2. Helaman 5 | Gospel Doctrine
  3. Helaman 5:14-52: ā€œThe Cloud of Darkness Shall Be Removedā€